Around a month ago several cases emerged claiming to be tailor made for the up and coming Apple iPad 2. The silicone skins have been on Alibaba for several weeks with many people questioning their authenticity, people accepted that the cases were probably faked and at most saw them as an unofficial rumour that possibly revealed the iPad 2 would include a rear facing camera and extra rear port.
However, a removal request by an unidentified third party has added extra fuel to the fire. John Spelich, of Alibaba said: “We do not know whether these products are what they say they are, but we have received a legitimate takedown request and are removing the listings”.
The request to remove the cases could be to protect iPad 2 specs or it could simply be an act to remove inaccurate use of the iPad’s name.
Alibaba did not confirm who requested the removal but the hot favourite has to be Apple or at least one of their subsidiaries, we can’t say for certain but whoever it was must have been a little rattled by the rumours circulating around the cases.
Interestingly there are still countless examples of the cases on Alibaba, they will apparently be removed on a case-by-case basis, no pun intended but it does show each example needs to be investigated individually.
At least we know that the iPad 2 is definitely on the way with an announcement expected before the end of the month and a release date touted for April 2011.
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