Bala Krishna, Dasari Narayana Rao combo Parama Veera Chakra music was launched on a grand scale at Shilpa Kala Vedika in Hyderabad. Veteran Tamil director K Balachander was invited as a chief guest to the event.
Apart from the cast and crew of Parama Veera Chakra, NTR Jr, Kalyan Ram, Tarakaratna, Directors K.Raghavendra Rao, K.Viswanath, Rajamouli, Srinu Vytla, Vinyak and comedians Brahmanandam, Ali, AVS attended the event.
Director Raghavendra Rao unveiled the first audio CD and presented to Jr.NTR on the event.
Mani Sharma has scored the music for the film and the entire unit along with the guests opined that the movie would become a grand success.
As usual Jr NTR steals the show with his terrific oratory skills. Jr NTR recalling Balayya’s dialogue in Simha mesmerized Nandamuri fans
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